After a while, I got tired of Jurassic Tank and moved onto something more natural looking (2011-2016), but I mostly lost interest. I still enjoyed having the aquarium, but wasn't really doing anything other than maintenance. But somewhere in 2020 I fell down a rabbit hole (fish hole?) on YouTube. With the new generation of plant-friendly LEDs being so much cheaper than they used to be, I decided I'd give it a shot and switched to a low-tech (no CO2) planted aquarium with dragon stone.
It's home to three large schools of harlequin rasboras, neon tetras, and albino cories. Plus a handful of nerite snails plus an army of red rilli neocaradina shrimp. The "centerpiece" resident is a golden baloon ram. And there's a Saimese algae eater and a bristle nose pleco running around in there somewhere, or at least so I assume.
I also came down with MTS (multiple tank syndrome) and set up a small 5-gallon nano aquarium in my office. So here's we are (since 2021):
Since I moved into my house I've had a 46-gallon freshwater aquarium. It's had lots of inhabitants over the past years, but then I added some Otos. I didn't have a quarantine tank and they apparently brought something nasty with them. A few weeks after introducing the otos, a disease ripped through the population, killing almost everything. Then I had a water leak (unrelated to the tank) in the house and I had to tear down the tank to re-carpet the room.
So I reset the tank, sterilized it and then started the process of rebuilding my aquarium. Now I've always wanted a saltwater tank, and I figured now was the perfect time to convert (since I've already stripped it down, cleaned it, and sterilized it). The few survivors I gave to a friend at work and started the conversion process.
Over time I got tired of mixing water, plus I was having this massive recurring red-algae problem. I talked to the local saltwater shop (where I bought most of these fish) and they were willing to give my critters a new home. So I tore down the tank and removed it.
But the room it was in seemed kind of barren without the aquarium. So now I decided I'd go back to freshwater. I would also stop being OCD and "correct" with my fishtank. It was time for the tank a 12-year-old would design. So now I have... Jurassic Tank! <ROAR!> (circa 2011-2016)
Here's what the previous marine incarnation looked like (circa 2004-2010):