Mehve Mehve is the name I use online. No particular reason really. It's not even really a nickname: my friends don't go "Hey Mehve, want to go see a movie?" It was just a unique sort of name for the online world that was pretty obscure and unique. Or so you'd think...

You'd think using the name of a glider from an anime from 1984 would be pretty obscure. You'd think no one else would use it. You'd think no one would name him/herself after an inanimate object. Well... apparently there are a few Mehve's out there, and worse yet one of them is sort of famous in anime circles. I guess I'm just SOL.

So, who or what is a mehve?

Mehve (or メーヴェ as Miyazaki wrote it) is the name of Nausicaa's "kite" in the Miyazaki film and manga Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (or the atrocious bastardized English version known as Warriors of the Wind). It essentially a single-person jet-assisted glider. The word "mehve" comes from the German word "moewe" which means seagull. That's Nausicaa on the right flying on mehve.

Yes, I've nicknamed myself after a vehicle. On the left is an anthropomorphized version of the character "mehve" I played on AnimeMuck (many many years ago). It's actually my character in a Halloween costume, cause normally I'd be all white. I was dressed up as a penguin!

Also, I'd like to thank Xenara who drew the picture, and who's permission I have yet to get to put this up here.

Some more images: